Rel. 6.2.6 (2020-05-20)
The CHART and GRID settings in the FILES/FOLDERS module are now persistent.
We are speeding up OBAKE input during file openings by 20%.
Rel. 6.2.5 (2020-04-20)
The user can now disable the SIMPLE DELETION message (without Sanitization).
Some messages have been changed for better understanding.
Implemented a warning for Windows imposition regarding the maximum number of letters allowed for "full-filename" (folder + filename).
Implemented a control that saves the certificate used for signing PDFs independently from the one used as default in encryption.
Rel. 6.2 (2020-03-24)
Implemented access control to cryptography by secret keys through the license-of-use, allowing companies to segment its use.
END OF BETA VERSION. Thanks to everyone involved who helped us make OBAKE even better!
BETA VERSION - Rel. 6.0 to 6.1.86 (2019-12 to 2020-03)
The delete and sanitize routine indicated no conflicts with open and in-use files.
The window reminding the user not to use "Save As" while opening files was not responding to the "Don't show" command.
When mistaking the secret key when decrypting files encrypted with AES-CBC or AES-XTS, the TMP file was not deleted.
The FILES module generated an error if the user marked/deselected CHART data (Chart On/Off, Average On/Off and Trend On/Off) with less than three currently handled files.
When closing the PDF module without any PDF files being loaded, the program generated a crash due to memory used.
The Digital Certificate export routine always exported the first certificate found in case the user had more than one certificate with precisely the same data but from different accounts (IssuerName, ExpirationDate, E-mail, Issuer, KeySize, KeyType).
The PDF module, sub-module SIGN, was leaving the file open even after closing the window for signatures on password-protected files.
When signing PDFs, the signature text constantly adapted to the size of the logo, which caused cuts in case the image/logo had a height smaller than 70 points (or approximately 94 pixels).
Orphan-File handling (caused by the abrupt closure of OBAKE, forced or machine RESET) had "infinite loop" problems after changes in version 6.1.47.
Access to the Orphan-File handling routine caused an "Open File Access Error" in other instances of OBAKE that the user eventually opened at that moment.
Error [EJ025] only when opening encrypted PDF files, when the original exists in the same folder, and if [USING ADOBE IN SAFE MODE] was enabled.
"Save Settings Failed" error in situations where the user simultaneously opens multiple files by ENTER.
OOP file access conflict error when an application, which contains several OBAKE encrypted file tabs, is closed and consequently closes all open files at once.
Files opened by Notepad++ were automatically re-encrypted when the user switched tabs or opened several files simultaneously (which caused tabs to change).
PDF files that were opened in "ADOBE READER SAFE MODE" with the wrong password could cause, in some cases, deletion of the whole folder where the encrypted file was located.
After being modified in the previous version, the routine for monitoring files opened by OBAKE crashed with TXT files, and other files opened in "shared" mode.
Temporary folder and OBKF files were not deleted in cases of "wrong secret key" or lack of digital certificate.
PASSWORD window did not get focus for typing even when indicated in the settings, exclusively when OBAKE opened a file through Explorer and on some operating systems.
OBAKE settings update conflict when closing an application with several documents managed by OBAKE open simultaneously.
In random situations, the graphics routine of the FILES/FOLDERS and SANITIZATION modules caused a null reference exception
Disabling the GRID of the ARCHIVES/PASTES and SANITIZATION modules before the operation caused an initial value allocation error in the GRID.
The title of the ABOUT window was not assuming the English language.
The routine treatment of "orphan files" presented a problem of access to the TEMP file in specific situations.
The SANITIZATION routine, in some cases, indicated a non-existent error during one of the verification phases.
The NOTIFICATIONS routine entered a loop if the desired time was less than 3 seconds.
OBAKE tried to encrypt PDFs still open by ADOBE READER due to ADOBE's feature of taking the name of the PDF from the list of WINDOWS PROCESSES.
The auto-positioning of the cursor in the PASSWORD and SECRET KEY windows did not work when opening files directly (ENTER or double-click on the encrypted file) because independent threads called the routine.
In the secret-key entry, if the fields were different, the error message abducted the color correction event, leaving the buttons in the main window in red.
In the PROTECT AND SIGN PDF operations, the temporary file (extension "protected.pdf") remained on disk at the end of the operation.
Changed the color handling algorithm of the RED SECRET KEY window (when selected), that in some few computers was "leaking" the color to the main window.
In the PDF PROTECT module, sub-module SIGN (former SIGN PDF) the REASONS field did not update the language in case of change.
Fixed issue with loss of personal settings on first run after upgrade.
Fixed "AddCerts not found" issue which occurred only on Windows 10 version 1903.
Fixed issue with TOAST warnings appearing too quickly after closing encrypted file.
Fixed issue with Context Helper not being saved to settings, remaining on.
Fixed issue which allowed Columnar Transposition to be turned on with algorithms which do not provide/support it.
Fixed issue of abandoned file after re-encryption if there was no modification.
Fixed routine which required a valid issuer certificate even if one was already registered (PDF module).
Fixed problem with EXPORTING CERTIFICATE IN FILE, when the user did not define a destination folder.
Removed duplicate control in Security and Usability settings.
Fixed issue with Excel sheets opened together, which caused the previous sheet to be encrypted.