It is possible to digitally sign and encrypt a PDF file in a manner to be seen by any PDF reader.
But when you try to do it in the available software, you usually face problems such as software that is too complicated to sign and secure, signatures that are not visible or not invisible, few options for signing, low flexibility in positioning the signature on the page, few characters available to define the reasons, only a single mode of "stamping" visible signatures, lack of a company logo option, and so on.
Considering these facts, and since ISO 31000, 32000-1 and 32000-2 set strict standards for encryption and digital signatures, why couldn't OBAKE accomplish this, following the same usability provided in its functions?
Now, you can quickly and easily sign and protect the PDF files in both ADVANCED and BUSINESS versions.
✓ Sign or Certificate a file at a snap.
✓ Ensures Authenticity, Integrity and Non-Repudiation to all files.
✓ The signature can prevent any changes to the file, otherwise it is automatically invalidated.
✓ Allows 3 additionl protection modes if using Certified signature type.
✓ Allows signatures in one or more pages of all documents.
✓ Allows visible or invisible signatures.
✓ Full-free positioning at the page on X/Y axis.
✓ Visible signature with 11 different types.
✓ Allows concurrent different types of visible signatures in any document.
✓ Allows your LOGO on the signatures.
✓ Allows QR-CODE based signatures, with/without LOGO and text.
✓ Allows vertical signatures, bottom-up or top-down, with/without LOGO and text.
✓ Allows footer signatures, with/without LOGO and text.
✓ Allows TIMESTAMPED signatures, via online servers.
✓ Allows usage of any X509v3 certificate.
✓ Provides Long Term Validation (LTV) on signature, if enabled within the certificate file.
✓ Allows PDF protection, with/without password.
✓ Allows to restricts PRINT and MODIFY document, even without Signatures and Conformance.
✓ Allows to restrict HI-QUALITY PRINT.
✓ Allows encryption by AES-256v6.
✓ Allows to restrict files by EXPIRATION DATE.
✓ Allows MASTER password, which onde typed cease all restrictions.
✓ Allows TEST on a single file to check if options are set properly.
✓ Allows SAVE and RESTORE to easily reproduce the settings in other files.